Osaka Bar Soft Machine will be closed tomorrow. There will be all night finale party. I was introduced to this venue by Hugh Hopper in 2007. Hugh and I were going to do duo tour in 2008, but he became ill, so I did the tour on my own. I had never done a tour in Japan before, so I was really anxious then, but Harry, the owner of Bar Soft Machine, came to the airport to pick me up, and it was alright from there. Without Bar Soft Machine, I would not have been able to be this active in Japan now. So, Harry, thank you so much, and wish you all the best! Photos are from June 2013, The Artaud Beats at Bar Soft Machine. 西九条バーソフトマシーンの更なる思い出。アルトー・ビーツのライヴのあと、ジョンはチューナーを、クリスはかの有名なクリス・カトラーTシャツを一枚置いてきてしまったのでした。お店で黒から赤に着替えてその脱いだ黒いのを店内のどっかに置いてきちゃったというわけです。ハリーさんに九州日程の後また関西に戻ってくるときにピックアップします、ってメールしたんですが返事がありません。2日後、クリスと私は「アバウト・ロック・イン・オポジション」の上映と連動させたクリスのトークイベントとクリスと私のデュオコンサートがあったので、神戸の元町映画館に向かいました。すると、映画館のスタッフが、今日大阪の木村さん(ハリーさんのこと)って方がこれユミさんに渡してください、って言って置いていきました、とかわいい小さな手提げ紙袋を渡してくれました。中にはチューナーとTシャツと、それにバーソフトマシーンでの録音の入ったCDRが。。。わざわざ日にちをあわせて神戸に持って来てくれたんですね。ハリーさん、ありがとう! More memoir about Bar Soft Machine. When The Artaud Beats did the gig shown below, John left his electronic tuner, and Chris left his famous black T-shirt. I emailed Harry saying that we will pick them up when we return to Kansai area after Kyushu dates. I didn't hear from Harry for a couple of days so I thought he hadn't checked his emails. Two days later, Chris and I had a talk event and duo concert at Motomachi Cinema in Kobe in conjunction with the screening of the film 'About Rock In Opposition'. When I got there, a member of staff of the cinema gave me a lovely little carrier bag saying that Mr Kimura (Harry) came this afternoon and left this for you. Inside, there were the tuner and T-shirt! And the CDR of the recording at the Bar Soft Machine as well! Harry came all the way from Osaka to Kobe...how sweet.
by YumiHaraCawkwell
| 2013-09-07 23:10
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