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O Caroline and Shipbuilding
I have recently uploaded my solo performance of 'O Caroline' and 'Shipbuilding'.

Yumi Hara Cawkwell 'O Caroline' at Last Waltz, Shibuya, Tokyo, 13 June 2013. In this version, I replaced 'I' by 'you', so, the story became more complex than the original...You must admit we both thought we'd be man and wife, and you could make me happy for the best part of my life, but you love her still, Caroline...
ユミ単体の「オー・キャロライン」です。私は女のヘテロセクシャルなので、I をyou に置き換えて歌っていますが、そしたらキャロラインは第3者となり、オリジナルよりも複雑な歌になりました。

Yumi Hara Cawkwell 'Shipbuilding'
I can't help associating the social background of this song and the current situation in Fukushima. Not so prosperous community relied on nuclear power stations and they had to keep them going because that's what they do...and their sons going to sort out the mess, somebody got filled in, and people will get killed in...the result of nuclear power station building

by YumiHaraCawkwell | 2013-08-19 08:41 | News ニュース
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